
“The Craftlink Product & Business Development Programme” with Eddie Shanahan.

By |May 6th, 2021|Categories: Events, Information|

This unique training and mentoring program is designed to assist creative business as you reconnect with retailers and develop deeper, more meaningful and lasting relationships direct to consumers. It will have two specific outcomes:  Development of an online digital catalogue for promotion of your craft businesses to retailers and direct to consumers. (to be launched Autumn 2021 to Xmas 2021) Virtual Meet The Maker Online Program for consumers. (to commence Autumn 2021 and onwards) It will also explore the potential for the launch of a special virtual Creative Retailing Seminar for local retailers. The programme will be delivered by

What is Craftlink – Introduction to the Project

By |February 21st, 2021|Categories: Information|

Offaly Local Development Company and Westmeath Community Development have developed an enterprise craft training programme in partnership with Finnish Craft Producers. This is an Innovative Programme which provides craft makers in both Countries with opportunities to develop new techniques and skills and look at the use of different materials to  adapt their current offerings of products or to create new products. It also examines retail opportunities in Finland and Ireland. The Programme will also feed into an enterprise and product development programme and will look at the marketing and promotion of the craft makers work  exploring new technologies and

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