Mäkelän PuukonttoriTero Mäkelä
I have been working with wood in many ways since I graduated as a carpenter in 1996 and as a artist in 1999. I have been working in forest management, restoration of old buildings and in log building.
The start of Mäkelän Puukonttori was in 2016, when an elderly couple was looking for someone to continue their business of making wooden icon boards. Luckily, at the same time a neighbor asked me if I wanted to buy her fathers woodworking machines. As a result of this I now have a small workshop where I produce icon boards and art out of wood.
The start of Mäkelän Puukonttori was in 2016, when an elderly couple was looking for someone to continue their business of making wooden icon boards. Luckily, at the same time a neighbor asked me if I wanted to buy her fathers woodworking machines. As a result of this I now have a small workshop where I produce icon boards and art out of wood.
Valmistuin puusepäksi 1996 ja kuvataiteilijaksi 1999, ja olen sen jälkeen työskennellyt usealla eri tavalla puun parissa. Olen tehnyt metsänhoitotöitä, restauroinut vanhoja taloja ja tehnyt hirsitöitä.
Mäkelän Puukonttori sai alkunsa 2016 kun vanhempi pariskunta etsi jatkajaa tekemään puisia ikonilautoja. Sattumalta samoihin aikoihin naapurini kysyi, haluaisinko ostaa isänsä puutyökoneet. Tämän tuloksena minulla on nyt pieni puutyöpaja jossa teen ikonilautoja ja taidetta puusta.
- www.puukonttori.fi